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Dernière mise à jour : 12 oct. 2021

The chakras, a Sanskrit word for "wheel," serve to absorb energy from the universal field around us. The energy received is then metabolized by each chakra and then sent to parts of the body depending on the nearest major nervous system. This energy is essential for the proper functioning of the auric field (which depends on our aura) and the physical body. Eastern tradition gives it the name of prana or c'hi.

If a chakra stops functioning well, the absorption of energy suffers, and so do the organs served by that chakra. If this dysfunction persists, the disorder will settle in the organs of this region; it will weaken, lose its immune system, and eventually the disease will invade that part of the body.

To heal the chakras, you need to restore balance:

• Between the excess and the energy deficiency of each chakra.

• Between all the chakras for a uniform distribution of energy and a


• Between the emphasis on the top and bottom chakras.

How healing works

Healing is bringing the body, mind and energy together to:

• Free yourself from limiting and unproductive patterns of the past, and replace them

through new habits and new behaviors.

• Close the wounds of childhood that are lodged in programming

physical, emotional and mental.

• Transpose your inner work into your outer world.

The chakras, in short

Les chakras en bref

Each chakra is coupled to its counterpart on the back side. The frontal aspects (A) are related to sensations, the posterior ones (B) to the will and the three of the head to the mental process (7, 6A, 6B). Here is a visual illustrating what the chakras look like:

Source: Guérir par la lumière de Barbara Ann Brennan

The chakras and the endocrine system

Here are the common associations between the chakras and the glands of the system

endocrine. These associations provide a map to understand how

each chakra is linked to our feelings, our thoughts and our actions.

Les chakras et le système endocrinien

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